
Day 2: Friday, 7 September 2012

We started our second day by watching sunrise right in front of our room. Turned out, not only we were able to see beautiful sunrise, but we could see turtles swimming from above.



Excited to start our Island hopping, we left the hostel at 8 AM and forgot one important thing: our lunch box. Bertho (our guide) mentioned that there was not any food stall in the island that we would visit. O well.. what to do.. we may be able to survive with Priscy’s chocolate bars.

Lessons learned: make sure you remember your lunch box!

First island: Kakaban.
We were welcomed by a long dock and wooden stairs in the middle of a small forest. Turned out, behind that forest, there was a Kingdom of Jellyfish in the Kakaban Lake. And yes, those were tame jellyfish where you could swim with it and touch it. It was just amazing. There were like thousands of jellyfish when you snorkeled in the middle of the lake.

We continued our journey to Sangalaki Island, where there were only 4 people lived and worked at Conservation of Turtle. When we went there and met the guys, surely we found that it was our private island. Here, the men showed us the baby turtles that would be released to the sea during the night time. We did not snorkel/ swim but just enjoying the island and the sun. Thank goodness for these guys, they let us use their kitchen and cook our lunches which were actually their stock of instant noodles. That was just our best instant noodles that we had ever tasted.

Night time at Derawan Island
We were looking for beers, yet it was expensive in Derawan and not many restaurants / shops sold it. Dira Restaurant sold it though, here, we met Ibu Lisda, an woman who consoled us that although most of the people in the Islands did not drink, but she did and it was okay for us to drink too. Ah, what can beat sitting at the dock, drinking beer and watching the moon with the breeze of sea wind. It was just beautiful moment.

Day 1: Thursday, 6 September 2012

Balikpapan – Berau – Derawan
11:30 AM – DONE WORK at Balikpapan Office!! Priscy and I were rushing to the Airport to meet our friend (Meidy) and to make sure we did not miss our 1:15 PM flight. Good news: No Delay!

Flight from Balikpapan – Berau took about 1 hour. You could not expect a smooth ride and fancy airport. Kalimarau Airport at Berau was a minimalist airport and there was not long conveyor belt or whatsoever. They were building a new and bigger airport, so perhaps when you have decided to go to Berau, the newer airport would be ready.

Kalimarau Airport - Berau

The Conveyor at Airport

Pak Jon had arranged for a driver to pick us up: Pak Toto, a local driver with 20 years of experience had been waiting for us to take us to the Tanjung Batu Port.

Tanjung Batu Port

Ready for Derawan!


Not wanting to miss a single thing in this trip. We chased the sunset right after we dropped off our bags at our room.. and here are some of the beautiful sunsets that we captured:


Dinner time = good seafood!
Note that Derawan is a village and you cannot expect to see upscale restaurant. All restaurants in Derawan = someone’s’ house and they would cook for you once you ordered. It took about 45 minutes – 1 hour to prepare the food. But, definitely it was fresh and good seafood.



The Gems of Kalimantan: Derawan Islands

It has never been in my 2012 plan to visit this beautiful gem of Kalimantan. The thought just came up when my colleague sent pictures of his trip to Derawan Islands (Derawan, Kakaban, Sangalaki, Maratua, Samama). Drooling when I saw all of the pictures, my mind started to think that I would like to go there and I will.

Tadaaaaa.. the chance came up when my boss assigned me and Priscy (my “partner in crime” at the office) to join a conference at Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Good thing, Pricsy was also a nature lover and had the same thought as I did when we heard about the assignment. Nope, it was not about the conference at all. It was about Derawan.

Little that we knew that we were about to see one of the most beautiful views in our travelling history.

A sneak preview of Derawan Island

The Planning
There were two options to go to Derawan from Jakarta:
1.       Jakarta – Balikpapan – Berau – Tanjung Batu Port – Derawan
This is the more favored option:
-          Safer
-          Over land: two hours (road condition was good)
-          Speed boat from Tanjung Batu Port to Derawan: 30 minutes
2.       Jakarta – Balikpapan – Tarakan – Balikpapan – Jakarta
-          Flight to Tarakan is cheaper
-          Less safer (heard that many people were robbed)
-          Boat ride: 3 hours
Flight to choose (BPN – Berau or Tarakan):  Sriwijaya Air, Kalstar, Batavia Air

We were comparing between many tour providers and hostel that were available at Derawan. Our research made us to choose Reza & Dira Homestay (http://www.derawanhomestay.com/), owned by Pak Jon (+6281347955950). Pak Jon was able to arrange for our transportation from Berau airport – Tanjung Batu Port, speed boat to Derawan and all island hopping to surrounding islands (Kakaban, Sangalaki, Nabucco, Maratua)

Total cost:
Bungalow above water, AC, breakfast (no hot water): IDR 250,000/ night= USD 25/ night
Car rental (returned, airport – port): IDR 700,000= USD 70
Boat rental: IDR 1,800,000/ 2 days/ 4 people= USD 180/ 2 days/ 4 people

Arriving at Reza & Dira

Clean bathroom

Our Room

Rear view of our room

Right in front of our room